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UR Dancing

University: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Masters in Robotics and Advanced Construction
Class: Sensible Robotics Workshop

Tutor: Madeline Gannon

In this 1 week workshop, we leveraged the power of Touch Designer, grasshopper and robotics to develop a live immersive robotic dancing experience.

By analysing a live music recording, we translated audio parameters into robotic motion, while also generating an audio-reactive particle simulation in TouchDesigner. An arduino was also simultaneously connected to control lights around the room.

Holographic Assisted Design

University: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Masters in Robotics and Advanced Construction
Class: Immersive Operations Workshop

Tutor: Keith Kaseman

In this 1 week workshop, we developed custom interactive MR spatial design operations and interfaces. Using a Hololense headset and the Fologram plugin in grasshopper, we developed custom tools to be able to generate building designs and view them on a 1-1 scale in real-time.

By first using photogrammetry and Lidar scanning, we generated a detailed model of our environment. This was then integrated into our generative design model in which we created a platform to overlay a custom design on the existing building and give the user tools to draw, edit and delete features from the building on the workspace in front of them, and watch them appear in real time over the actual building in front of them.

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